Giant Aliens Visit Earth From Another Dimension

 FBI 1947 Declassified Report: Giant Aliens Visit Earth From Another Dimension

The FBI vault contains thousands of declassified files about various mysteries of the past. The topic related to UFOs and aliens always remains the most discussed one, and the FBI has a lot of documents stored in its vault, speaking of this strange phenomenon. Memorandum 6751 is most important to the ufology, according to Former FBI Special Agent John DeSouza.

The FBI has always paid great attention to the UFO phenomenon. By the way, this confirms the old suspicions: many science fiction films are actually based on real events, whether it is leaked that the FBI purposely made to raise public awareness, or to recognize agents, existing or former, who consider it unfair to deprive the public knowledge opinion about these secrets.

Of course, one cannot believe that Edgar Hoover, a director of the FBI, during those events that we are talking about, was very worried about justice or respect for the right of society to know the facts.

He was the ultra-conservative and reactionary who thought differently. But the fact is that in 2010, it became known from the FBI’s The Vault page that the agency included in the category of declassified a report prepared [specificlally Memo 6751] in July 1947 by a special agent of the FBI. He was a lieutenant colonel, whose identity was in the interests of “national security” and, at the direction of the almighty Hoover, erased a report based on an interview with a witness of the appearance of a UFO. The witness shared his own experience of contact with a non-human mind and could tell quite a lot.

Memo 6751 acknowledges the existence of an alien presence. Former FBI officer John DeSouza, the author of “The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors,” points to the memorandum as a significant document in ufology.

Memo 6751 remained classified for 63 years until Executive Order 13526 which allowed for its declassification and release. The memo may not be a “smoking gun”, but it is significant in that it remained untouched from the disinformation campaigns of Project Grudge, Blue Book.

Although much of the information contained in the memo is extremely detailed, there are some inconsistencies.

Firstly, the absence of the name of its author, although he claims to have several diplomas and that he was the head of a university department. Another fact is that the FBI prepared the document and it is not the original that is being investigated.

Unlike early Roswell stories, this file refers to “living beings much larger than humans.” In addition, they supposedly can live in another dimension, in another world.

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