Buzz Aldrin Says: “They Told Us To Get Off The Moon”

 It reads like a sci-fi script for a movie about NASA, astronauts and aliens on the moon. However according to various reports and alleged transcripts between the command center and Apollo

astronauts on the moon mankind encountered supernatural technology upon stepping onto the lunar surface .

Interesting details about what astronauts may have found on the Moon come from an interview with an anonymous professor and Neil Armstrong at a NASA symposium:
Master: What really happened to Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was amazing… of course, we always knew there was a possibility… the fact is we were warned. Therefore, there were never any questions about a space station or a lunar city.
Teacher: What do you mean by “warned”?
Armstrong: I cannot go into detail, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours, both in size and technology. Wow, where are they? … And menacing… No, this is not a space station.

Master: But did NASA have other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Of course NASA was compromised at the time and couldn’t risk panicking on Earth…. But it was really a fast scoop and vice versa. (Above Top Secret, p. 186)

Buzz Aldrin
Is it possible that Apollo astronauts actually encountered extraterrestrial beings and UFOs while exploring the lunar surface?
There are many reports, interviews and documents that suggest it is possible.

doctor Vladimir Azhaha
In fact according to Dr. Vladimir Azhazha physicist and professor of mathematics at Moscow University:
Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after they landed near the lunar module. But his message was never heard by the public because NASA censored it. ”(Above Top Secret, p. 384)

According to several sources Armstrong claimed that there was an alien presence on the moon and the astronauts were ordered to leave.
Reports indicate that Apollo astronauts stumbled across numerous “tents” and structures on the moon that were obviously not man-made. Many ufologists claim that Buzz Aldrin even filmed the strange structures and all the details were reported to mission control, who deliberately ‘censored’ the information to avoid chaos and panic among the general population.

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